
THINK ouside the BOX

'try to think outside of the box..'

the line my boz always use recently.. so many things happen around here. changes surely promised a chaos at first before everything start to settle down one by one. no one actually like to feel discomfort and not secure. only those who take these at challenge of life and like to participate in the life game.. but then still there is no promise of a happy ending at the end of the road.

same thing here... with the changes in the organizational structure and internal re-organization, the upgrading of the IT infra, planning of the new projects as well as going thru the design.. details of each of them.. sometimes make my stomach dancing upside down.. hehehe... do not know really.. how to describe the feeling.

the worst part being .. the feeling of not being appreaciated after you have done so much and sacrifying most of the valuable time with family, working long hours non stop, doing things beyond the job scope... at the end of the day.. the finger pointed direcly to your face.. hrmm.. what a terrible feeling ...

so... thinking outside the box... is more to a line to bring us to other thought.. to diversify the focus to other things rather than the terrible feeling of not being appreciated.. after all when we think back, we are not going anywhere, we here most of us at least.. will be working untill the retirement letter hit our mail..

woww.. what am i trying to do now.. motivate myself or bring down my own motivation.. huhhuhu...

well.. think outside the box..

because of that, i never give up to apply for a new job.. hehehe.. either here or elsewhere.. not really care about that.. and i just went through one interview and insyallah.. there will be another one waiting.. so this time .. i will try to make things right.. these 2 interviews more like a second chance after i threw everything down to the drain last time...

life never be easy.. as well as life never be the same again..

think outside the box had been adopted well by my little angle.. when she neatly placed the tooth brush inside the hosepipe.. just imagine what happen when i turn on the water... hrmm.. kid nowadays eh..

~ to all my fwens outhere.. happy holiday.. being a labor.. u deserve to get a leave.. remember that.. hehehe.. CHOW!!

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