hari ni .. dalam keadaan datang keje separuh mamai.. susah bebenor nak mencarik tempo.. jadinya pepagi hari aku merayau dari satu blog ke satu blog.. dan ada satu 'penemuan' menarik.. dan tertarik kat tempat ~nemo~ find ur luv attitude.. saja menggatal.. aku pun kira gak aa.. ikut instruction.. skali no 3 dan inilah resultnye...
thing that really caught my attention was 'attitude'. what is attitude and how it differ from behavior. or is it the same thing only we express it different way.. hwaa.. suddenly i'm feeling like in the organizational behavior class.. hahaha..
indirectly.. looks like the attitude will influence the behavior and looks like the attitude not only a 'default' setting from the day you opened your eyes but also the 'value-added' process until this point of time.. you're reading my blog now.. erm..
ye aa rite.. when i was a kid.. never really concern about 'bad' or 'good'. when my mom said.. 'macam ni la bagus' so i took that as good, and when my mom said.. 'budak pompan tak leh lasak macam ni' so i took that as bad.. life was soooo ez back then. but as life goes on.. this life teaches a lot of things.. not only the 'good' and the 'bad'.. but also to behave 'good' or 'bad'.. to face the 'good' and the 'bad'.. to think the consequences of the 'good' and the 'bad'.. at this stage slowly the 'attitude' starts to shine..
sounds like i m loosing my track.. however this is still relevant. the good and the bad embedded and defined in someone.. contributed to the evolution of that someone thus influence his/her way of thinking.. if one's think it's good then one will be more optimist even tho'..'mission impossibles' is required.. same thing goes for the bad and the pessimistic.. only this time the result demonstrated negative relationship.. hwa..
attitude can be learned.. can be changed.. can be altered.. only when one truly believe there is/are the need(s) to do so.. depending on where the line of the 'good' and the 'bad' is drawn. and the line itself may differ from oneself to others.. and if i ask myself.. do i like my attitude? or in this case the 'attitude' of my love..seriously.. i don't know.. somehow the 'finding' revealed that the result is supported..
hwaaa.. i wanna be a kid again.......
You are imaginative, fun-loving, thrill-seeking and expressive. You're so charming that you attract many friends and you are almost never lacking guys/gals. In your earlier years, you may be totally shy and self-conscious, but you'll lose those qualities in the high-school years. You can be sort of vain or even a bit of a show-off when you get caught up in exciting events in your life, but you usually redeem yourself in some playful way before you lose a friend. Jealousy shows its ugly head sometimes, but generally you aren't affected by it unless your guy/gal tries to provoke it. In the guy/gal department, you prefer the athletic or artistic types. you're in absolute heaven when you find both of those qualities in the same guy/gal. When you're looking for love, a guy/gal who can make you laugh scores points, big time!
thing that really caught my attention was 'attitude'. what is attitude and how it differ from behavior. or is it the same thing only we express it different way.. hwaa.. suddenly i'm feeling like in the organizational behavior class.. hahaha..
'Attitude is how you think and whether you lean toward the optimistic or pessimistic' ~ suite101.com
indirectly.. looks like the attitude will influence the behavior and looks like the attitude not only a 'default' setting from the day you opened your eyes but also the 'value-added' process until this point of time.. you're reading my blog now.. erm..
ye aa rite.. when i was a kid.. never really concern about 'bad' or 'good'. when my mom said.. 'macam ni la bagus' so i took that as good, and when my mom said.. 'budak pompan tak leh lasak macam ni' so i took that as bad.. life was soooo ez back then. but as life goes on.. this life teaches a lot of things.. not only the 'good' and the 'bad'.. but also to behave 'good' or 'bad'.. to face the 'good' and the 'bad'.. to think the consequences of the 'good' and the 'bad'.. at this stage slowly the 'attitude' starts to shine..
sounds like i m loosing my track.. however this is still relevant. the good and the bad embedded and defined in someone.. contributed to the evolution of that someone thus influence his/her way of thinking.. if one's think it's good then one will be more optimist even tho'..'mission impossibles' is required.. same thing goes for the bad and the pessimistic.. only this time the result demonstrated negative relationship.. hwa..
attitude can be learned.. can be changed.. can be altered.. only when one truly believe there is/are the need(s) to do so.. depending on where the line of the 'good' and the 'bad' is drawn. and the line itself may differ from oneself to others.. and if i ask myself.. do i like my attitude? or in this case the 'attitude' of my love..seriously.. i don't know.. somehow the 'finding' revealed that the result is supported..
hwaaa.. i wanna be a kid again.......
errrr .. *cari kamus sat* ..
wOo .. :|
jangan aa cam tu... tonggang langggang ayat.. hehehe..
ye aa.. menulis tengah mamai.. cam gitu aaa..
rasanya kalau pertimbangan pasal 'gOod' vs 'bad' ni bukan je bergantung pd attitude & behavi0r je eh .. sbb byk fakt0r2 yg terlibat gak kan .. attitude & behavi0r tu sendrey apa yg membentuknya? bukan setakat 'nombor' atau dari kuiz bagai .. rasanya bukan semudah itu utk mentafsir se0rang manusia ..
mmg sume tu pengaruh cara kita berfikir .. fakt0r dalaman - perasaan, fikiran, mindset, etc .. fakt0r luaran - persekitaran, keadaan, situasi, ORANG LAIN, etc .. terpulang aa, apa yg masuk dalam pertimbangan kita ..
apa yg 'gOod' bg kita, mungkin 'bad' bg orang lain .. s0 apa nilainya kalau kita sendrey mcm xsure mana yg 'gOod' & 'bad' pd diri kita & kesannya pd orang lain? *termenung sat* .. xabeh nak pentingkan orang, kan .. adeydey~
p0tpetp0tpetp0tpetp0tpet x99
jgn memalu, wat cam bl0g sendrey :D
erm.. betul betul betul...
hahaha.. tak kisah aa.. buat je aa apa yg patut.. :)
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